How to sow pea seeds?
Fill a pot with compost, push seed down 1cm, press top down firmly. Water regularly and keep in a bright spot. These peas are a good for growing all year round due to their hardiness.
Fill a pot with compost, push seed down 1cm, press top down firmly. Water regularly and keep in a bright spot. These peas are a good for growing all year round due to their hardiness.
Scatter in a small pot of compost, cover, water and keep in a bright place. Alternatively place onto moistened cotton wool or a paper towel.
Fill a pot with compost disc, push seed down 1cm into soil and cover. Water and keep in a bright spot. For best results grow in Spring and Summer, we have had good results as late as August if looked after indoors in a sunny spot.
Fill a pot with compost disc, sprinkle seeds and cover. Water and keep in a bright spot.
We have grown these all year round indoors, they can also be grown outdoors in spring, summer and early autumn.
Place compost disc in a pot or saucer and add warm water. Let soak for a couple of minutes until fully expanded.
Simply pop the seed or seeds in the top and cover over. There is a small circle at the top so you know where to pop the seed.
Just soak seed paper overnight, tear up, plant under a thin layer of soil, and water gently and regularly until seedlings sprout in 1-3 weeks!
Most wildflowers thrive in well drained soils. Wildflowers do not like too rich a compost – they prefer poor soil with few nutrients.
Some do, some don’t. Plants of wildflower meadows are perennial, though, so will keep flowering year after year.
Wildflowers take between 14-21 days to germinate.
In the spring the ideal time is between mid March and the end of May. In the autumn the best time is from mid August through to mid October. All year round indoors.